"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."

– Pablo Picasso

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Reminds me of another quote of Pablo:

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”

- Pablo Picasso

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Thanks for shining the spotlight on this poet today. Hadn't known of him. Have taken note. Cheers

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Thank you for this post and its spiritual component with sages of the east, recognizing some artists to do their intense focus and consistency and making their art.

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I love the artists you mentioned, Albert, and your poetic advice about the art and sacrifice of writing. Thank you.

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We are all out here fishing for Ideas and meaning maybe we need bigger nets...

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Trueee, sometimes that's really not much to be explained, it's the intuition, it's the thing so called "willingness"

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To be like water is to understand your natural, authentic self.

——Be Water,My Friend (written by Shannon Lee)

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Thank you and Albert Huffstickler so much for this today.

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I remember a roommate from a very artistic family that I had admired. Her graduate art show exactly expressed the window into her extraordinary world. It forever lit my artistic drive to create.

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Poetry can be a window and a mirror.

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Can we have some women authors & artists included please.

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I just posted Annie Dillard two days ago. I have numerous poems from Julia Vinogad and Mary Oliver and Anne Sexton. But I post mostly who I read. And the vast majority of philosophers were men. But their writings transcend the lower nature of gender identity.

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That’s the problem. Check out lalo kikiriki, the illusive, elusive Texas poet.

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It's not a problem. At all. We read who we want to read. And it's okay.

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Very nice.. thanks!

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