Mar 31Liked by Poetic Outlaws

Beautiful. I love this post! Very Orthodox in thinking!! Appreciate you so much!

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Yes, Jesus came to show us a loving God, a Father who sent his Son to show us the Way. Giving ourselves into the hands of God.

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Joseph Campbell's interpretation of the Crucifixion makes sense from an esoteric viewpoint. I like what the recently deceased Jordan Maxwell said about Jesus Christ being a metaphor for our star, the sun. The sun is our giver of life, and as it sheds its light upon us, it dies. In a sense, the sun dies every day on the horizon, dies every year as it withdraws to the southern hemisphere, but it resurrects every time and lives on eternally. Meanwhile, we celebrate its ascension and descent. The sun is a symbol for our creator, aka God.

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Love the work published at this newsletter - had to put it in my recommends.

I don't often shill but i recently wrote a poem and published today on my Substack newsletter, thougt I'd share the link - your work helps to inspire my own :)


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Quote from a lecture by the philosopher Rudolf Steiner on Easter of 1924 100 years ago

Excerpt: “In Christ we have to do with a Divine Impulse spreading through the world: the Christ Impulse which at the Baptism in the Jordan entered into Jesus of Nazareth. The very essence of Christianity lies in the Christ Impulse which came to the earth through a physical personality, the physical personality of Jesus of Nazareth into whose mortal frame it entered. The Christ took this mortal frame upon Himself because the course of world-evolution is, first, a descent, and then again, an ascent. At the deepest point of descent the Mystery of Golgotha takes place, because from it alone could spring the power to lead humanity upwards.”

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Thank you.

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“Too many interpretations of the Crucifixion have failed to emphasize that relationship and emphasize instead the calamity of the event.” 🔥

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Joseph...I love him. A wonderful post thank you 😊

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I love this Joseph Campbell quote, thank you for sharing 🌞

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It is my belief that Jesus was a Buddhist monk, who tried to bring a sense of love to Jews who had become revengeful, resentful and concerned too much with wealth. Jesus wanted them to concentrate on loving and balance in their lives. We got Christianity from his teachings and unfortunately it didn't seem to help a whole lot.

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Thanks for posting this; it really gives a fresh perspective on the deeper meaning of Crucifixion, Resurrection and what Jesus' life/relationship with the Father was all about. It was really inspiring in that you realize "Oh, when I'm going through shit and/or good times, it's all a ride (ala Bill Hicks) while we're all on our way back home to God/Universal Mind/Source."

Another interesting layer comes from the word crucifixion itself. When you break it down, you get cross (Crucif) and then Ixion. Ixion was a figure in Greek mythology who was punished by Zeus by being forever fixed to a flaming spinning wheel in Hades for disrespecting humanity and the gods. IDK, coincidence? I was trying to poetically peel another layer of meaning to this. Don't know if I articulated it that well.

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IS Worcester , MA on the list that is ?I look fetching in my wolf ears!!just saying- no treats needed otherwise - I sit well, obey reasonable commands, will work for 🥜

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Worcestershire on the list?

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