By: Jack Gilbert
There is a bumpiness to this piece, that knocks us and puts us off balance with each bump and pothole and manages to focus us. Sorta like life ...
that is a great is the bumpiness . I keep coming back to this poem.
“Love lasts by not lasting.”
Born again in the loyalty of the light at dawn- looking in the mirror, and falling in love with ourselves all over again. 🙏❤️
In my opinion, Jack Gilbert is the best of us all. I always appreciate seeing his work. He is to be lauded and enjoyed.
I have been thinking a lot about love lately and its connection to passion. This poem helps.
Maybe I can read Neruda and Rumi again without a sense of despair and transience.
Gilbert is a treasure. One of the best poems ever by one of the best poets ever.
It is beautiful though I disagree with him. My lack of understanding perhaps, what it is that passion is, I don’t believe it’s separate from love. I do believe I know love.
Love is the bloom in it's bed.
Adorei Malcolm
And a new word to me
I’ll use it
Only love will guide us out of life's many jagged climbs.
Love guides us all to the most inspirational climates.
Blessings in the New Year
Dave P
Amazing stuff, Jack! Shout out to Corey who brought this to my attention. Got y'self a follower...
A poem best read by firelight
It sounds deeply to me...😍❤️
Wow, you always find some beautifull poetry❤️❤️
Woah! Woah! Woah!
The first and final lines frame such treasure in this poem!
There is a bumpiness to this piece, that knocks us and puts us off balance with each bump and pothole and manages to focus us. Sorta like life ...
that is a great is the bumpiness . I keep coming back to this poem.
“Love lasts by not lasting.”
Born again in the loyalty of the light at dawn- looking in the mirror, and falling in love with ourselves all over again. 🙏❤️
In my opinion, Jack Gilbert is the best of us all. I always appreciate seeing his work. He is to be lauded and enjoyed.
I have been thinking a lot about love lately and its connection to passion. This poem helps.
Maybe I can read Neruda and Rumi again without a sense of despair and transience.
Gilbert is a treasure. One of the best poems ever by one of the best poets ever.
It is beautiful though I disagree with him. My lack of understanding perhaps, what it is that passion is, I don’t believe it’s separate from love. I do believe I know love.
Love is the bloom in it's bed.
Adorei Malcolm
And a new word to me
I’ll use it
Only love will guide us out of life's many jagged climbs.
Love guides us all to the most inspirational climates.
Blessings in the New Year
Dave P
Amazing stuff, Jack! Shout out to Corey who brought this to my attention. Got y'self a follower...
A poem best read by firelight
It sounds deeply to me...😍❤️
Wow, you always find some beautifull poetry❤️❤️
Woah! Woah! Woah!
The first and final lines frame such treasure in this poem!