5 hrs agoLiked by Poetic Outlaws

Another book to be added to my ever growing To Be Read list. Seriously, thanks.

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Great post, Matthew! Hadot's ideas, as you detailed them, certainly resonate with me. And I'm glad you mentioned Montaigne, a great resource for modern people trying to figure out the best ways to deal with being human.

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Very interesting information! I’ve not studied philosophy or philosophers closely, but have been engaged in studying spiritual matters for many years and have been particularly changed by the writings of the Christian mystics (Merton, the saints, Julian of Norwich, etc) who invariably also recommend daily practices. These practices are for the purpose of transforming lives (like mine). I find the intersection and commonalities here very fascinating!

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A truly wonderful book. Thank you.

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Without a doubt you are giving voice to a crucial crossroads we as a species are facing as our ai technology moves faster than we can keep up with, robbing us of our time by constantly disrupting and distracting the natural river of wisdom flowing from all of Pierre Hadot’s writings.

And the corporate narrative that has dyed, stained and corrupted our capacity for clear comprehension to what truly unequivocally matters ie; How to live a good life and enjoy the process that the spiritual exercises invoke in us as they sculpt us into loving, revering and devoting our lives to the beauty of entering the path to becoming excellent human beings. “What is Ancient Philosophy” and “The Inner Citadel” are two other books that can cause an internal nuclear implosion inside of us by imbibing Pierre Hadot’s magnificent contribution to the long term well being of humanity.

Alhamdullilah 🌹

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