“Indeed, the whole of our social arrangements may be likened to a perpetual comedy; and this is why a man who is worth anything finds society so insipid, while a blockhead is quite at home in it.”
Some dear friends have the utmost faith in a certain ideal. I made a mistake and broached the subject of the many lies we are told everyday to serve political agendas. Didn't know that such an obvious problem would create such tension.
999 times out of a thousand, I just let them believe what they want, but we got into the nuts and bolts of medicine and government and I stepped in it.
Anyway, this article is true. No matter what, if people believe in something fully, just let them. I value them as friends much more than I value a conversation about our being constantly lied to.
Cant force anyone to recognize the nuance of everything. Cant make anyone do the only rational thing that we can do, and exist in uncertainty. Its too terrifying. If someone doesnt want the discomfort of truth, theyll do anything and everything to avoid it.
I mostly agree. But if a "friend" is determined to believe an absurdity that leads them to commit an atrocity at your expense, how is that a "friend"? I really struggle now with this idea-dont expect all " friends" to experience the world through my lens and/or agree but "have my back" is certainly imbedded in expectations...and why the unequal power exchange whereby we go along with unhinged insanity and comply with extermination marketed as safety just to "get along". Its all too much (for me). At base a friend cares at least as much about you as themselves. Not seeing that in most " friends"/ friendships among others. Circle back to suffocating depression.
My interests, explorations and emerging philosophy have resulted in having few friends, but beings with whom I can deeply connect. I am content in my self-imposed solitude.
I have learned to do this as far as social isolation. I no longer have the intestinal fortitude to tolerate the uneducated and educated that have succumbed to propaganda. For me, i am a veteran who has made sacrifices for lies. Everything I have ever done has led to a hyper awareness to our cultural demise.
The problem is caused by the fact that people and children do not read books or stories anymore! Their imagination no longer seeks the out of the ordinary. They give themselves up to the common mind set and do not develop any individuality! Ilka
Unfortunately, this is absolutely true. Reading for knowledge was once encouraged in school, now it is blatantly discouraged. Read the (short)passage, answer the questions that only an automaton can answer(a thinking person might find the information incorrect) is now labeled as education. This type of mindless, rote schooling creates herds leading to the precipice.
I'm admittedly lucky in the respect that I'm 55 and I grew up with textbooks, not tablets. You comment did bring to mind an occasion where my girlfriend asked me to call a radio show and ask a few questions so my calculus teacher could get a point across to secondary math teachers that if a student finishes their work, they should be encouraged to explore other topics related to the subject. It's a shame that you should have to even say that. Disclaimer: I earnestly believe education is a noble calling. I'm not criticizing those who really care for students' welfare.
I believe, “a profoundly sick society” can be seen as a kind of war game challenge, a survival challenge, of which I became aware in attending my first university - the University of South Vietnam, its Upper Mekong Delta Campus some 60 years ago.
Winning/Victory/You Live (tactically or strategically) requires the application of, both instinctual and learnable survival skills that might be named a rational, life survival skills, pragmatism, not necessarily guaranteeing survival, but enhancing the probability thereof.
I observed during my attendance, that the almost seemingly auto-practice of these popped-up behaviors, generated a surprisingly heightened survival collective approach among the “players” that occurred outside of the hierarchy of military command, and which now equally applies to our survival challenges of the current authoritarian political hierarchy.
I believe this kind of Jeffersonian possibility under our current survival challenges is more like a given if we are not successfully, manipulatively socialized to block our survival instincts and its accompanying rational pragmatism, while facing our current confusing contingent challenges.
If so, then we are more apt to win this “war game”. We don’t have to allow ourselves to be reconfigured as H.G. Wellsian modeled Elon herd animal meat for our profoundly sick society’s emergent Morlock cannibalism.
Oh I love this. I always say I'm not going to get close to the fire, but I always do and then get burned. Over and over. Wish I could make that buffer zone .
My analogy is the Ikea mindset: People cannot be trusted to even consume properly anymore and have to be corralled around a shop in a specific algorithmic order, never being allowed to leave until they have been brainwashed into a mind numbing minimalist utopian mind set. Just look at the vast majority of You Tuber interior backdrops: white, minimalist petri dishes. I find it all so suffocating and claustrophobic. Bring back the fearless eccentric and I would enjoy society again. But that wont happen because anything you say on social media will be written down and taken as evidence... so we have the rule of the bland block head.
And at the same time, why insipid? Why not enjoy the comedy. This too is what I am for it all happens within awareness, including my own opinions and judgments. Is it possible then that the goal of the game is not in the game but to realize I am the player of the game, the one who can actually experience this - which is quite amazing? Either way, this goes so well with another beautiful quote that I think I read here on Poetic Outlaws, from Ralph Waldo Emerson: "the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.” Thank you, Poetic Outlaws for inspiring me to live through these questions!
So very Thoreau - "Self-Reliance." And like Thoreau, spot-on. Kalil Gibran said, "let there be spaces in our togetherness." He was addressing marriage, but this is a truth that holds always.
Lonely in a crowd is not the worst thing that can happen.
I hear you, girl! I'm what I call a "gregarious loner." I like people in small doses and on my terms! Solitude is very important for the human mind and spirit, I think. Necessary and good for us in a way that loneliness is decidedly bad for us.
Krishnamurti: “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”
Some dear friends have the utmost faith in a certain ideal. I made a mistake and broached the subject of the many lies we are told everyday to serve political agendas. Didn't know that such an obvious problem would create such tension.
999 times out of a thousand, I just let them believe what they want, but we got into the nuts and bolts of medicine and government and I stepped in it.
Anyway, this article is true. No matter what, if people believe in something fully, just let them. I value them as friends much more than I value a conversation about our being constantly lied to.
Cant force anyone to recognize the nuance of everything. Cant make anyone do the only rational thing that we can do, and exist in uncertainty. Its too terrifying. If someone doesnt want the discomfort of truth, theyll do anything and everything to avoid it.
I mostly agree. But if a "friend" is determined to believe an absurdity that leads them to commit an atrocity at your expense, how is that a "friend"? I really struggle now with this idea-dont expect all " friends" to experience the world through my lens and/or agree but "have my back" is certainly imbedded in expectations...and why the unequal power exchange whereby we go along with unhinged insanity and comply with extermination marketed as safety just to "get along". Its all too much (for me). At base a friend cares at least as much about you as themselves. Not seeing that in most " friends"/ friendships among others. Circle back to suffocating depression.
The key is to keep yourself warm by the fire without becoming firewood.
My interests, explorations and emerging philosophy have resulted in having few friends, but beings with whom I can deeply connect. I am content in my self-imposed solitude.
I have learned to do this as far as social isolation. I no longer have the intestinal fortitude to tolerate the uneducated and educated that have succumbed to propaganda. For me, i am a veteran who has made sacrifices for lies. Everything I have ever done has led to a hyper awareness to our cultural demise.
I will fight.
"not to say at once what you think, and, on the other hand, not to attach too precise a meaning to what others say" – thanks for sharing!
A most beautiful post for the day. Thank you ❤️
The problem is caused by the fact that people and children do not read books or stories anymore! Their imagination no longer seeks the out of the ordinary. They give themselves up to the common mind set and do not develop any individuality! Ilka
Unfortunately, this is absolutely true. Reading for knowledge was once encouraged in school, now it is blatantly discouraged. Read the (short)passage, answer the questions that only an automaton can answer(a thinking person might find the information incorrect) is now labeled as education. This type of mindless, rote schooling creates herds leading to the precipice.
I'm admittedly lucky in the respect that I'm 55 and I grew up with textbooks, not tablets. You comment did bring to mind an occasion where my girlfriend asked me to call a radio show and ask a few questions so my calculus teacher could get a point across to secondary math teachers that if a student finishes their work, they should be encouraged to explore other topics related to the subject. It's a shame that you should have to even say that. Disclaimer: I earnestly believe education is a noble calling. I'm not criticizing those who really care for students' welfare.
Well said!!
I believe, “a profoundly sick society” can be seen as a kind of war game challenge, a survival challenge, of which I became aware in attending my first university - the University of South Vietnam, its Upper Mekong Delta Campus some 60 years ago.
Winning/Victory/You Live (tactically or strategically) requires the application of, both instinctual and learnable survival skills that might be named a rational, life survival skills, pragmatism, not necessarily guaranteeing survival, but enhancing the probability thereof.
I observed during my attendance, that the almost seemingly auto-practice of these popped-up behaviors, generated a surprisingly heightened survival collective approach among the “players” that occurred outside of the hierarchy of military command, and which now equally applies to our survival challenges of the current authoritarian political hierarchy.
I believe this kind of Jeffersonian possibility under our current survival challenges is more like a given if we are not successfully, manipulatively socialized to block our survival instincts and its accompanying rational pragmatism, while facing our current confusing contingent challenges.
If so, then we are more apt to win this “war game”. We don’t have to allow ourselves to be reconfigured as H.G. Wellsian modeled Elon herd animal meat for our profoundly sick society’s emergent Morlock cannibalism.
Perfect way of explaining it...very resonating...TY for your work
Oh I love this. I always say I'm not going to get close to the fire, but I always do and then get burned. Over and over. Wish I could make that buffer zone .
My analogy is the Ikea mindset: People cannot be trusted to even consume properly anymore and have to be corralled around a shop in a specific algorithmic order, never being allowed to leave until they have been brainwashed into a mind numbing minimalist utopian mind set. Just look at the vast majority of You Tuber interior backdrops: white, minimalist petri dishes. I find it all so suffocating and claustrophobic. Bring back the fearless eccentric and I would enjoy society again. But that wont happen because anything you say on social media will be written down and taken as evidence... so we have the rule of the bland block head.
And at the same time, why insipid? Why not enjoy the comedy. This too is what I am for it all happens within awareness, including my own opinions and judgments. Is it possible then that the goal of the game is not in the game but to realize I am the player of the game, the one who can actually experience this - which is quite amazing? Either way, this goes so well with another beautiful quote that I think I read here on Poetic Outlaws, from Ralph Waldo Emerson: "the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.” Thank you, Poetic Outlaws for inspiring me to live through these questions!
So very Thoreau - "Self-Reliance." And like Thoreau, spot-on. Kalil Gibran said, "let there be spaces in our togetherness." He was addressing marriage, but this is a truth that holds always.
Lonely in a crowd is not the worst thing that can happen.
Thanks for this...great advice...I try to do this very thing as I am a very solitary,introverted creature...
I hear you, girl! I'm what I call a "gregarious loner." I like people in small doses and on my terms! Solitude is very important for the human mind and spirit, I think. Necessary and good for us in a way that loneliness is decidedly bad for us.
Like Jesus advised, "Wear the world as a loose garment." Taoism comes to mind, "Don't live in results."
I didn't know that Jesus quote. It sounds Emersonian!