I would tell them,

if they have not lived,

then do that.

I would tell them,

if they think they can learn to write

by reading a book,

or attending a creative writing class,

they missed the entire point.

I would tell them,

if they are Americans,

yes, read Hemingway,

read Faulkner,

read Melville,

and Poe,

then forget them,

because they are dead

and cannot be resurrected,

nor replicated.

Then read John Grisham,

to see how getting religion

can mess up good thing.


read James Lee Burke,,

read Tom Robbins-

but if you have not lived,

if you have not been shredded by life,

if you have not lost everything

and gotten up and kept going,

if you think wanting to be a writer

makes you a writer,

if you think reading Bukowski

will make you a writer,

you missed the entire point,

but reading other writers

might arouse something in you,

it might help you in some ways

to craft your own style,

or it might help you become

a robot, a clone-

the only way to really write

is to be demolished,





by life,

and not kill yourself,

and stone cold sober,

standing before a mirror,

staring into the depths

of your very own soul,

staring at you,

your life,



no secrets,

no fig leaves,

no shame,

your reputation ruined,

by you,

now you are free,

now you are unchained,

now you can write,

if you dare,

if you care,

if you wish,

if you don’t give a shit

what anyone else thinks,

or wants,

or cares

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I’d say walk the dog to corner store. Pay attention to your surroundings and post them in your mind while returning with a bottle of cheap wine to write your heart out what you remember while wine is drained and your pencil leads the way to the next word.

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I recently met someone who took a creative writing class on the beach in Venice that Bukowski would occasionally attend

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I went to Washington University in the '70's and had three great literature / writing teachers: William Gass, Stanley Elkin, and Howard Nemerov (brother of Dianne Arbus.) The one thing I learned is that unless you are pretty sure you are a genius like them, don't bother. And if you do think you are a genius like them, it's probable that you really need professional help.

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I disagree! Writing is awesome. Everyone should do it, or some other form of self expression / art. It makes life worth living. Cheers!

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I'd say don't bother if all you have to say is what everyone else is already saying. What's the point?

There does seem to be too many writers with nothing to say that just fill the world with noise and confusion simply because they like the idea of getting attention.

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that's my poem of the day for sure. thank you for that.

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Whenever I need a good laugh I read something by Bukowski...or watch Carlin on YouTube.

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"nobody knows anything"

As always with Buk, simple truth and wisdom that hits like a hammer.

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Master of "Art Brut" poetry

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and edit it in the morning. <3

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No, edit the following night.

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One of my favorites, next to all the Jane poems. Both sardonic and also disarmingly sincere.

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This guy is the best

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Good one. How long did it take you to find a poem with a North Star reference? It’s like it was written all those years ago just for May 18, 2024. Bravo, Erik!

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One of my all time favorites 😊

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Right up the pickle barrel!

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Most of it is nonsense

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