My partner's father passed yesterday morning. Here's to you, Joe. Thank you for this, E.R., and to the universe for the synchronicity.

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I've always felt that this poem by Auden truly expresses the all-encompassing, deep grief felt at the loss of a particular loved one.

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Painful truth of the depths someone might feel towards the loss someone they love. Sad really, terribly sad - but also, shines a light on the struggle of being human. We are all of us, temporary, and we are all of us forever connected to the universe. Beautiful poem!

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Lovley poem, true poet, gave me goose bumps,

where can one find poetry like this nowadays?

bout the photo, I think it's by Neil Nevinson

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Read beautifully by John Hannah in FOUR WEDDINGS AND A FUNERAL

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These lines, OR SIMILAR, are also found in "The Ascent of F6: A Tragedy in Two Acts," by W. H. Auden and Christopher Isherwood. I'm familiar with, and a fan of, a spoken word version presented on KPFA in Berkeley, Ca in the 1970s (but am unable to find and would like to...), and they collaborated with Benjamin Britten on a musical version:


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