To do something well, truly well, costs nothing less than our all.

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" I got my

5 god-damned minutes

and much


That's the point. He did fulfill his drive, urge to write in spite of the detours and road blocks. He also got much more because of it. We readers did too.

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Clarity, like death, is a bitch. But a comfort too, when brought into focus.

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it's a hell of a life if you got the strength for it (and the weakness)

used to see him out at Hollywood Park, clubhouse level, against the wall with his Racing Form and program. thank god i knew enough to leave him the fuck alone

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Fucking hilarious

Fucking drop dead steel irony

Fucking precious

Got to be writing it down

no matter what

that’s the ancient rhyme

the Muse sung

over and over and over

since the beginning of written time

She sings because she must

She sings because that is

her reason for being.

She needs no instruction manual

no writer’s workshop

to know how to sing

A jealous mistress

like no other

Another thing

Death cannot defeat

Her songs echo in Eternity

blazing across Infinity

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Got a The Seventh Seal-like storyline:

a knight suddenly comes face-to-face

with the hooded figure of Death,

and challenges him to a game of chess.

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I love Bukowski; he lived his life, deeply and deeply. He had understood the game of life. He discovered his poetry gift in his second half of life and lived like never before. What I admired about him is that he wrote from his heart and soul. His earlier life of pain and suffering shaped him. And today, he is a celebrated poet. And I have got my 5 minutes.

I am writer like him; I write for the underserved communities in Africa. Maybe you can pass by so I can't starve

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If you're new to Bukowski, start here: Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame, Selected Poems 1959-1973

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A writer’s dilemma squeezing time through the cracks of light in the day, doing jobs to get by, but having a smoke with the reaper and drinking the last of wine squeezed a creative moment for clarity.

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Death is lighting my cigars

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One of my favorite writers and poets

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Needed to read this right now. Thank you so much.

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Anyone out there who is willing to die, really die, for their freedom?

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getting it down in a time warp no matter what.

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