How many nights must it take

one such as me to learn

that we aren’t, after all, made

from that bird that flies out of its ashes,

that for us

as we go up in flames, our one work


to open ourselves, to be

the flames?

This is a welcome reminder that no one can bring about change, transformative or not, in our lives except us. As a friend of mine encourages, we decide whether to "keep flying, keep burning, keep being reborn."

Thank you for the poem.

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A beautiful piece in so many ways but 7 just stuns me!

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Yes! For me, it's 3.....

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Galway, this is such a vivid and powerful piece. Each section is rich with imagery and emotion, painting a picture of both the natural world and the human experience. The line about becoming the flames rather than just rising from them is very beautifully done, to me it symbolizes that our true purpose is to embrace our own transformation. Thank you for sharing thought-provoking work.

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Thanks for sharing this poem. I enjoy the author’s works and hope to see more of his poetry here.

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Wind tears itself hollow

in the eaves of these ruins /

so many lyrical lines!

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Wow. First I've ready Kinnell. Thank you.

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GK is one of my very favorite poets. His reach is breathtaking, every time.

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I love this poem! Thank you for sharing it. 🥰🙏🏻

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My first Kinnell, who feels like my own brother this new, same morning

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I haven't read Kinnell in years. Thanks for reminding me of a gap in my library.

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One can’t rise from the flames unless one opens oneself to the flame, to become the flame. A flame tho requires fuel. A fire needs to be replenished. Or like spirit vapour in the air, whoosh and it gone.

Beautiful Poem.

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"to open ourselves, to be the flames." Bravo.

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7 Wow! moments...... Fantastic!

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Pretty great, right Leon?

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Yes indeed. I must say that you come up with some gems yourself!

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Thank you, Leon—Always good to see you

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brought me to tears, thank you

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2 others of his if I may: ‘Wait’ and ‘Pulling a Nail’

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A stunning poem. Thanks for this one.

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