Love this marriage of words and pictures.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Poetic Outlaws

Absolutely love it. For some reason, as I was absorbing your combination of selected photos and quotes, Blue Oyster Cult's song "Florida Man," from their sublime 2020 album THE SYMBOL REMAINS, began playing in my head. Though it's about something quite different than the beauty and mystery that are the focus of your post, maybe its lyrics play off the vibe in obscurely meaningful ways? They do for me, at least. Invocation of a mystery of another sort.

"Florida Man" by Blue Oyster Cult (lyrics by the great John Shirley)

Should you settle down in the Sunshine State?

You should know of its tangled fate

How the conquistador came to Florida

Long before it had a name

The medicine man of the Seminole

Knelt by the sacred flame and cursed the soul

Of the conquistador

And his son, and his sons, and the young ones

Of the Florida man

Down at the mall, where the boas crawl

Ted makes love to a concrete wall

His brother Red said his Uncle Ned

Found Elvis in a loaf of bread

High on meth, there's little Beth

The neighbor's cat is on her breath

Dan dreams he's got red wings of fire

He's waking and shaking on a power wire

Slim sees his face on a moonlit wave

He grabs a shovel and digs his own grave

Lee hates plate glass, he drives right through it

Said Alice's caterpillar made him do it

A Miami nurse snatches a purse

And drives down the freeway in reverse

Phil asks the cops to test his drugs

After they find him hiding under a rug

Don't you laugh, it could be you

The Florida curse always comes true

You can jeer, but you don't understand

Any fragile soul can be a Florida man

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Playing on my Spotify right now!

One of my Florida memories...at barely age 17 I was 'kicked out' of a so called fancy Palm.Beach boarding school for having an UNopened bottle of rum in my suitcase that was in a locked storage area I had NO access to. That school was the 1st place I smoked weed. The richer kids had the $ and access in 1969...oh well.

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The Florida curse indeed... 😊

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Jul 3Liked by Poetic Outlaws

You have a wonderful eye and aesthetic. I hope you share more.

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Jul 4Liked by Poetic Outlaws

Wow, I know little of Florida but this opened my eyes. Beautiful pictures and synergy with the matching quotes. Thank you.

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Jul 4Liked by Poetic Outlaws

Reading these photos and captioned quotes. Remarkable.

what a perfect way to begin a new sunrise and set my soul in peace

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I just left St. Petersburg, Florida for Sweden because I needed to get away from the city. Kinda wish I explored more of this Florida: a raw relic that's unburdened by capitalism.

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Jul 4Liked by Poetic Outlaws

What a beautiful place!!!

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Jul 4Liked by Poetic Outlaws

Breathtaking. I took my time with every image and word, and it was worth it.

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I live in and love old Florida for all that you found the words and captured in your photos. It’s magical. Thank you.

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Jul 4Liked by Poetic Outlaws

Took some precious time to slow down with this. Thank you John!

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I lap up and marinate in every one of your photos and beautifully chosen quotes Eric. So good. Food for the soul. Thank you for all your work and passion.

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Jul 3Liked by Poetic Outlaws

"With little, the spirit is more." Nice...

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Jul 3Liked by Poetic Outlaws

A lot of really great images in there, you have a really good eye and sense of timing. I was on a trip to Florida in the 90's when I was deep into black and white 35mm photography, we went for a drive through Big Cypress to take some photos and stumbled upon the Clyde Butcher gallery. His black and white photos were so powerful, very much an Ansel Adams vibe. I love that landscape and all of the interesting creatures.

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Jul 3Liked by Poetic Outlaws

Beautiful. Keep on keeping on.

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This is absolutely beautiful.

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