the wind blows hard tonight and it's a cold wind and I think about the boys on the row. I hope some of them have a bottle of red. it's when you're on the row that you notice that everything is owned and that there are locks on everything. this is the way a democracy works: you get what you can, try to keep that and add to it if possible. this is the way a dictatorship works too only they either enslave or destroy their derelicts. we just forgot ours. in either case it's a hard cold wind.
You can find this poem in Bukowski’s — The Pleasures of the Damned: Poems, 1951-1993
The overwhelming lack of compassion in our capitalistic worldview is heartbreaking. May I not be numbed by it. Action is required.
Perhaps the brutality of the cold is a reboot of our awareness about how we manage our own personal storms.