No blame. Anyone who wrote Howl and Kaddish earned the right to make any possible mistake for the rest of his life. I just wish I hadn't made this mistake with him. It was during the Vietnam war and he was giving a great protest reading in Washington Square Park and nobody wanted to leave. So Ginsberg got the idea, "I'm going to shout 'the war is over' as loud as I can,'" he said "and all of you run over the city in different directions yelling the war is over, shout it in offices, shops, everywhere and when enough people believe the war is over why, not even the politicians will be able to keep it going." I thought it was a great idea at the time a truly poetic idea. So when Ginsberg yelled I ran down the street and leaned in the doorway of the sort of respectable down on its luck cafeteria where librarians and minor clerks have lunch and I yelled "the war is over." And a little old lady looked up from her cottage cheese and fruit salad. She was so ordinary she would have been invisible except for the terrible light filling her face as she whispered "My son. My son is coming home." I got myself out of there and was sick in some bushes. That was the first time I believed there was a war.
Julia Vinograd was a revolutionary street poet who threw bubbles instead of bricks. Her poetry was profound and she had a keen eye on what was happening in the world. She felt the suffering of the human race deeply and beautifully captured it in her poetry.
A feature documentary is currently being made about this important yet little known street poet titled: ‘Julia Vinograd: Between Spirit and Stone'. Check out her incredible story and sign up for the newsletter. Any support to help complete the first cut of Ken Paul Rosenthal’s film would be greatly appreciated.
To read a few interviews with the filmmaker, check these out— Reaching The Head Through The Heart in Between Spirit and Stone and A Closer Look: On Making Julia Vinograd: Between Spirit and Stone
You can find Julia’s works at along with many other great works from the Babarian poets.
I hope her son managed to get home. What a shitty thing for him to do. Excellent poem and I'm glad she chronicled that moment..
So terribly sad. And still is.