The times are disgusting enough, surely, for those who long for peace and truth… Before we kill another child for righteousness' sake, to serve some blissful killer's sacred cause, some bloody patriot's anthem and his flag, let us leave forever our ancestral lands, our holy books, our god thoughtified to the mean of our smallest selves. Let us go to the graveyard and lie down forever among the speechless stones.
You can find this passage in Wendell Berry’s brilliant little book of poems — Sabbaths
Wow, this is what I needed to read on this sad morning before the Sun has risen.
When will humanity learn that War is obsolete?
Recently I heard a Bedouin doctor from Southern Israel speaking on Zoom and saying the issue is to divide between those who believe violence is the answer and those who aspire for another way.
Beloved Kentucky farmer, writer/poet, peace activist Wendell Berry never falls short in the pursuit of Truth.